Text Tools
JSON Editor

JSON Editor

CTRL + Click - Enter edit mode
CTRL + Enter - Submit changes

Related Tools

String Utilities

Counts the number of characters, words, lines, and substrings, converts a string to lowercase, uppercase, reverses a string, or splits a string with a separator.

Case Converter

Converts words or text to any case instantly, such as lowercase, uppercase, camel case, capital case, constant case, param case, pascal case, sentence case, title case, and more.

Sort Lines

Sorts lines alphanumerically and/or case-insensitively, reverses lines, shuffles lines, or adds line numbers to text with your preferred EOL for both UNIX and Windows.

Diff Checker

Compares text to find the differences between two text documents instantly with syntax highlighting. Supports over 170 programming languages.

Text Editor

Views and edits text or code with syntax highlighting and saves it into a file. Supports over 170 programming languages.

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Generates Lorem Ipsum as known as placeholder text in paragraphs, sentences, or words instantly. Supports both plain text and HTML.

URL Parser / Query String Splitter

Instantly parses a URL and splits a query string into individual components, such as protocol, path, host, port, username, password, and more.

Slug Generator

Instantly slugifies words or text to an SEO-friendly and human-readable URL slug for better SEO optimization.

HTML Stripper

Completely strips all the HTML tags from HTML code. Only text content inside the stripped HTML tags will remain. Supports optional allowed tags.


Pastes text or code for online public viewing via a share link with syntax highlighting and an optional expiration period. Supports over 170 programming languages.
