Escape and Unescape Tools
JavaScript Escape / Unescape

JavaScript Escape / Unescape



List of JavaScript special characters

Here is the list of JavaScript special characters for using in JavaScript strings and their meanings.

\fForm feed
\nNew line
\rCarriage return
\vVertical tab
\'Single quote
\"Double quote
\XXXThe Latin-1 encoding character specified by three octal digits from 0 to 377
\xXXThe Latin-1 encoding character specified by two hexadecimal digits from 00 to FF
\uXXXXThe Unicode character specified by four hexadecimal digits
\u{XXXXX}Unicode code point escapes

Related Tools

HTML Escape / Unescape

Escapes special characters in HTML code to their HTML entities to ensure it's safe to render or unescapes HTML entities to their original characters.

JSON Escape / Unescape

Escapes special characters in JSON data to ensure it's safe to parse or unescapes JSON special characters their original ones.

XML Escape / Unescape

Escapes special characters in XML data to their XML entities to ensure it's safe to render or unescapes XML entities to their original characters.

SQL Escape / Unescape

Escapes unsafe characters in SQL statements to prevent SQL injection or unescapes SQL statements to their original unsafe characters. Supports backslash escapes.
